Thomas Itoは昨夜、亡くなられました。
Update, January 22nd, 2022
I was pretty dead last summer when I started writing this blog in Japanese. But somehow, I survived my own death, and now I’m back in my hometown.
Thomas Ito
Lambertusweg 15
53121 Bonn/Germany
Mobile: +491628711077
That’s my contact data. And I would very much appreciate if you or your attorney get in touch with me in case you want a kind mention on this blog.
To continue my work, I supppose I have to rely on monetary ressources: I’m officially retired right now, I feel pretty broke, and I’m on a mission to make a major change in my life and in the entire world, so your donations would be much appreciated.
Thomas Ito
Paypal will be installed soon.
Western Union/Moneygram accounts to be prepared.
That’s the most realibale. Any donation would be much appreciated, but if you donate more than 100€ and include your E-Mail address in the „purpose“ field of your donation, there’s a fat chance you’ll be included in the official „E-Mail of Gratitude“ I’ll send out to gentle souls who contribute to my cause.
Thanks for your attention – looking forward to any kind of contribution.
Mail: info [at] klangdeslichts [punkt] de
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